Humble Beginnings Uno: He's a Keeper!

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I should have named Uno wild child. 😅 This little ball of fur has an endless supply of energy. Except for when he’s napping, he is non-stop running, jumping, chasing, climbing, and exploring. It’s so adorable to watch his little personality begin to emerge❣️

So far I’m feeling really good about this little guy’s development. It appears as if his temperament and type is a perfect mix of his parents.😍

As for his coat color and pattern… I am stumped.

When Uno was first born I guessed he was black smoke with white, but as he began to mature I started to notice what appeared to be classic tabby (ghost?) markings. These markings have shown no signs of fading at 3 months of age, and I know in rare instances non-agouti cats can retain them into adulthood.

I have consulted with both of my mentors who have been breeding for more than 60 years between them. I even reached out to a handful of other breeders I am networked with. They all seem to be split right down the middle with their guesses. Half say he’s agouti (classic tabby) and half say he’s non-agouti (black smoke). Because we’ve decided to keep this wonderful boy under an extended breeder evaluation (to keep for possible breeding/showing work), we sent off his DNA sample to Wisdom Panel just to be sure. We hope to have those results back in the next couple weeks and will be sure to post updates accordingly.🥰

***UPDATE April 20, 2021***

DNA test results are back; Uno is black smoke (with white)!