Pet Ownership

Why Does My Cat Drag Food Away From Its Bowl to Eat?

Why Does My Cat Drag Food Away From Its Bowl to Eat?

If you notice your cat is dragging their food away from it’s bowl to eat, you may have to do a little detective work to discover what’s contributing to the behavior, but often times, switching things up with these pointers in mind is all that’s needed to eventually correct the undesired behavior.

Socialization: It Doesn’t End With the Breeder

Socialization: It Doesn’t End With the Breeder

Socializing a pet is a continuous process that begins at birth and continues well into adulthood. That means the hard work of properly socializing a pedigree pet does not begin and end with the breeder. There is still a lot of important work to be done once you bring your new kitten home with you!

How to Kitten Proof Your Home

How to Kitten Proof Your Home

Just like you would when bringing home a new child, it is very important to “kitten-proof” your home. It’s also just as important to have a plan for if and when things might go wrong. So let’s talk about kitten proofing your home and making sure you are covered in those unexpected, emergency situations.

Food & Litter for Your Maine Coon Cat

Food & Litter for Your Maine Coon Cat

With Maine Coons being a breed that is slow to mature, it is especially important to ensure you are feeding often enough and a premium cat food. While we touch on the topic of Food & Litter briefly with our website FAQ page, I thought it might be helpful to do a deeper dive into the products we use and why we use them.

How to Address Feline Elimination Issues

How to Address Feline Elimination Issues

A common and frustrating problem, house soiling in cats, can be difficult to resolve. Early intervention, proper approach, and owner dedication is key! In partnership with your trusted veterinarian or veterinary behaviorist, house soiling rehabilitation IS possible, allowing you and your pet to have a better quality of life!