The Importance of Leaving a Review

In the digital age it’s hard to find a Business that doesn’t have an online presence. Whether it’s a social media account, a Google Business listing, an iOS App, or website, most Businesses are accessible to customers from the privacy of their own homes. With many of these eCommerce platforms comes the ease of leaving customer feedback. In this article I’d like to discuss the importance of leaving a cattery review.

The Power of Ratings & Reviews

When a Maine Coon lover is beginning a search to find an ethical preservation Breeder, it can be difficult to know what separates one cattery from the next. Online ratings and reviews can help.

People use customer feedback to make informed decisions about a Breeder or Cattery they are considering. Personal recommendations and customer reviews are considered the best source of credible information. A recent consumer report suggests that online reviews impact purchasing decisions for over 93% of individuals.

Look at it this way… which Cattery would you rather buy from: the one with a dozen 3-star reviews OR the one with only a handful of reviews and a 4.5-star or higher rating? 

What About Those 1-Star Reviews?

Sadly, it’s far more rare for people to give positive feedback. In the day and age of cancel culture, people tend to be outrage addicted and quick to call out perceived negative experiences instead. 

Just before Christmas, Lake View Coons experienced this via our Google Business listing. A random person on the internet, whom we’ve never spoken to let alone done business with, decided to leave a half dozen nasty reviews for Catteries all along the east coast, including ours. Without doing any homework to determine the current national average cost for a properly health screened pedigree Maine Coon, this individual started with a well known and established Breeder in Florida, complaining about the too expensive-for-them prices, and copy and pasted a similar rant to Cattery listings in Alabama, Georgia, and South Carolina too. 

“Over priced, clearly they are in this for the  money and not because they love cats. It’s a real shame they lie about this on their site. This is a money hungry vulture business.”

This is the review that was left for us. Prior to leaving this baseless (and dare I say, slanderous) review, our Cattery listing reflected a 5-star rating. A single poor review dropped the rating to 4.5-stars.

This is why it’s especially important to take the time to recognize a business for going above and beyond. By leaving an honest and detailed review you are helping someone decide whether or not to consider the same Cattery as you. Breeders can also use this constructive feedback to improve the way they operate. And, when enough people take the time to leave a positive impression for others to see, it helps to mitigate the effects of an inevitable keyboard warrior or two.

Will You Leave a Review?

Any Breeder will tell you that the most authentic and impactful advocate of their Cattery is a happy pet parent, and the digital world has made each and every voice extremely powerful. 

At Lake View Coons Maine Coon Cattery we value honest feedback!  While we invest our hearts and souls into working to preserve our beloved breed, we don’t ever want to take for granted or lose sight of our pet parents' overall experience working with us. 

With that being said, we’d love to invite those who have adopted a kitten from our Cattery to take a few moments to share about their experience. It would be a bonus if you’d be willing to attach updated photos of your kitty to that review. We welcome any and all opportunities to hear how our babies are doing and to see how they have matured and grown!

If you’ve been following our breeding journey for a while, and found the pet ownership resources and information we’ve shared to be valuable, we'd love for you to take a moment to leave a review and share about that experience too.

Honest and authentic feedback is what we are hoping for, even if that means less than a 5-star rating.

For those willing to take a moment to leave feedback you can CLICK HERE to leave a review on our Google Business listing – You will need to sign up for a Google Mail account if you don’t already have one (but don’t worry, doing so is quick and easy, and free of charge).


People use customer feedback to make informed decisions. Ratings and reviews help others to get a better understanding of the type of experience individuals have had with a Breeder or Cattery they are considering. The digital age has made each and every voice extremely powerful. Don’t miss the opportunity to use yours!