VCC presents: "Cats & Snowflakes"
Southern Aristocats: Dancing into 2022
How to Address Feline Elimination Issues
A common and frustrating problem, house soiling in cats, can be difficult to resolve. Early intervention, proper approach, and owner dedication is key! In partnership with your trusted veterinarian or veterinary behaviorist, house soiling rehabilitation IS possible, allowing you and your pet to have a better quality of life!
What is a Good Breeder?
Don’t make the mistake that so many have and rush the kitten buying process. When you prioritize buying from a breeder that has a kitten or cat available as soon as possible, or at the lowest cost, you are bound to run into backyard breeders, kitten mills, and scammers. So, what makes a good breeder?
Introducing Pillowtalk's Lara Croft
Pillowtalk’s Lara Croft, affectionately called “Queen Dagmar” is the newest addition to the Lake View Coons family. She is a black smoke girl who came to us all the way from Hamburg Germany. Pending favorable genetic, cardiac, and hip screening results, we hope to add this stunning girl to our breeding program next Summer.