Latest News
(website updated March 19th, 2025)
After taking 2024 off from exhibition, we finally took the plunge and entered not just one but two of our boys in the Alabama Paws & Claws TICA cat show that took place over St. Patrick’s Day weekend. This club always throws a fantastic show and serves an incredible lunch Buffett, and let me tell you, this year did not disappoint!
At the end of the day, hip grading is a tool for the toolbox. It’s not the be all end of predicting orthopedic health of our pets. Two cats with perfect hips can be bred and create offspring with less than perfect hips, or you can take a cat with mild subluxation and pair it with a cat that has normal hips and create offspring with good hips. It’s really not as cut and dry as some would have you think…. OFA says it like this…”
We have had some really sweet and cuddly girls in our cattery over the last five years, but I have never met a pair of female felines with so much love to give as Diksi and KitKat. We jokingly refer to them as our “velcro kitties” and are looking forward to their incredible personalities being passed down to their future offspring. Here’s to the future journey we will be taking with these two beautiful queens!
Summer is finally here and with it comes the highly anticipated arrival of kittens from our newest king, Panther! We also thought it would be a great time to share some other announcements with our Lake View Coons friends, family, and followers, including details relating to our upcoming adoption application process, retirement plans for a few of our breeders, and our pairing plans for Fall/Winter 2024.
Spring is right around the corner and with it comes kittening season. With that in mind, we thought it would be a great time to share a quick Cattery News update with our Lake View Coons friends and family, including the highly anticipated announcement relating to our most recent addition, our upcoming adoption application process, and our pairing plans for this season.
I’ve been following the breeding work of Philip and Marjorie Berger of MaineVu since the inception of our cattery and truly admire their many exhibition accomplishments. The Bergers have been breeding Maine Coons since 2008 and have successfully shown their kittens in The International Cat Association (TICA) to Grand Champions, Supreme Grand Champions, Regional Winners, International Winners, and Lifetime Achievement Winners, and to Grand Premier in The Cat Fanciers Association (CFA). Until this past summer when we were honored with their trust in adding Romulus and Venus to our cattery, MainVu has worked exclusively with Amy & Glenn of ABSCatz, David and Judy of MTNest, and Paul & Coleen of Paleeni in the United States, as well as Madinina in France and Snowfield Coon Cattery in China.
Over the last year we have earned the honor and privilege of calling Phil and Margie friends. They are such authentic and kind couple with decades of knowledge and experience with the Maine Coon breed…