Harmony Cat Club Presents, "Phantom of the Op-Paw-Ra"

Harmony Cat Club Presents, "Phantom of the Op-Paw-Ra"

Over the weekend we had the opportunity to travel to Pigeon Forge to attend the very first TICA Allbreed Cat Show hosted by Harmony Cat Club. The club volunteers, members, and judges put on a fantastic show. All in all it was a really fun three day weekend away!

Cattyshack Cats Presents, "We Want You!"

Cattyshack Cats Presents, "We Want You!"

After taking a short break from the cat shows for the past summer, we’re back at it again. This show season, we decided to focus on earning titles for our females. Our first stop was in our home state, the Palmetto State of South Carolina!

American vs European Maine Coon: Is There a Difference?

American vs European Maine Coon: Is There a Difference?

With the rise in popularity of the beloved Maine Coon came the demand for a more unique and often times more extreme look. This exaggerated appearance is frequently associated with the term “Euro Coon” or “European Maine Coon.” However, it’s important to note, the cats being bred to appear this way…

Socialization: It Doesn’t End With the Breeder

Socialization: It Doesn’t End With the Breeder

Socializing a pet is a continuous process that begins at birth and continues well into adulthood. That means the hard work of properly socializing a pedigree pet does not begin and end with the breeder. There is still a lot of important work to be done once you bring your new kitten home with you!